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Give your immune system a boost with this Immune Support Blend. All the oils in this blend are from Plant Therapy.  This blend is available in two options: a 10 mL rollerball dilution OR a dram of undiluted essential oils. The 10 mL roller is diluted with hemp seed oil so it is safe to apply directly to your skin. Simply roll on the bottoms of your feet or on the insides of your wrists(or other pulse points), and you're good to go. The dram can be used with your diffuser, added to your rollerball, added to diffuser beads or added to a carrier oil of your choosing. Each dram is filled with approximately 130 drops of the EO blend. To my nose, it smells strongly of the warm notes of cinnamon and clove. To order this item, click: Immune Booster Blend


**Helpful Hint: If using the dram, tap gently on the bottom of the dram to allow the essential oil blend to exit. The oil will not be released without tapping the bottom with each drop. Do not shake the oil out unless you are planning on using a lot more of it at one time. ** 


Note: The essential oils in this blend, like other Mother Truffula items, are 100% Therapeutic Grade Plant Therapy Oils.

Immune Booster

  • This Immune Booster Blend is made with great care and contains: Hemp Seed Oil(referring to 10 mL roller), essential oil blend of: clove bud, cinnamon bark, lemon, sweet orange, eucalyptus, rosemary, melaleuca  

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